
Thank you for visiting the Cullman County E9-1-1 Board of Commissioner’s website. The information provided on this website should give the viewer a better understanding of Cullman County’s Emergency Communication District (ECD) and the services provided by the E9-1-1 business office. The E9-1-1 System belongs to the citizens’ in Cullman County and they are urged to use it anytime they have an emergency that requires Law Enforcement, Medical or Fire assistance. Additional information on how and when to use the E9-1-1 System is provided in another location on this website.

The E9-1-1 Board of Commissioners’ Business Office provides the following services for its citizens:

  • Addressing
  • Mapping of new roads
  • E9-1-1 educational speakers
  • Location information
  • Educational items for children and adults
  • Map Books for minimum charge
  • Wall Maps for minimum charge
  • E9-1-1 equipment maintenance
  • Post Office interface
  • Telephone Company Interface

The E9-1-1 Board of Commissioners holds monthly board meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 1PM.

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