April 21, 2020
Chairman Dewayne Goodwin called the meeting to order at 2:03 p.m. via online webinar meeting.
There were no public comments.
Roll was called to establish a quorum and members present were Dewayne Goodwin, Barry Slatton, Dana W. Phillips, Dorothy Maddox, Samuel Tucker, Barry Slatton, and Keith D. Creel. Also present were Gordon L. Sandlin, Administrative Director; Roger C. Humphrey, Administrative Advisor; Jackie Burnham, Administrative Assistant; and Roy W. Williams, Jr., Board Attorney. Chairman Dewayne Goodwin welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Review and approval of the minutes and expenses since March, 2020 meeting. Board approved purchase of iPads for Board use for online webinar meetings and Citizen’s Bank CD’s were moved from 9 month to 6 month to receive a better rate.
No public petitions since last meeting.
Humphrey attended the Alabama State 911 Board meeting remotely and briefed the Board on the topics discussed at the meeting.
Sandlin gave an update of the wireless telephones 911 calls made in Cullman County in March, 2020.
After speaking with the Cullman County Commission, Board approved transferring the 2008 Ford Expedition to the Cullman County Commission on Aging.
Sandlin reported to the Board the procedure used by The Alabama Department of Public Health to report cases from the COVID-19 outbreak.
Sandlin presented a preview video of Equature software to potentially use in the PSAP’s. Board authorized initiating the 45-day free trial.
Sandlin informed the Board of the 5% raise for a period of 90 days granted to essential full-time employees of the Cullman County Commission and the City of Cullman. Board approved for 911 office staff to be paid in a lump sum..
Sandlin reported that the AL911.net training has been rescheduled. The integration to ANGEN has not been rescheduled as of this date.
Research is ongoing for a grant for tone out boards for Cullman EMS and the PSAP’s. The grant for the interface/connectivity from the Viper to the PSAP CAD’s was sent to the agencies.
Road sign allocation cut-off was March 31, 2020 and four agencies participated.
Anyone interested in attending the APCO National Conference and the ACCA Annual Convention scheduled this year, please contact Jackie.
Board Attorney Williams did not have any legal issues to discuss that affect the E911 Board of Commissioners.
Review of the February, 2020 financial reports and the March, 2020 PSAP report.
The meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m.