November 17, 2020
Chairman Dewayne Goodwin called the meeting to order at 2:09 p.m. via online webinar meeting and in the Board Room of the Cullman County E911 Administration Building located at 604 Seventh Avenue, SW, Cullman, Alabama.
Roll was called to establish a quorum and members present were Dewayne Goodwin, Dorothy Maddox, Dana W. Phillips, Barry Slatton, and Keith Creel. Also present were Gordon L. Sandlin, Administrative Director; Roger C. Humphrey, Administrative Advisor; Jackie Burnham, Administrative Assistant; Amber Smith, CCSO; and Roy W. Williams, Jr., Board Attorney. Chairman Dewayne Goodwin welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Review and approval of the minutes and expenses since October 2020 meeting.
Sandlin reported no unbudgeted expenses.
Sandlin reported that an order to appear subpoena from the Circuit Court of Cullman County in the case of the State of Alabama versus Rodney Deland Looney or inspection of all audio of a 911 call. A copy of the subpoena was forwarded to Board Attorney Williams for further action.
Sandlin briefed the Board on recent legislative activity regarding 911. Sandlin has been appointed by the ACCA to the Alabama Strategic Planning Committee and will zoom a meeting Thursday, November 19, 2020.
The Alabama NENA Quarterly meeting is scheduled in on November 18-20, 2020 at the . Sandlin will be in attendance.
Sandlin gave an update of the wireless telephones 911 calls made in Cullman County in October 2020.
Sandlin reported that Governor Ivey has not issued any additional orders concerning COVID19. The 911 Business Office continues to use the existing protocols, guidelines, in addition to the use of an infrared thermometer for anyone entering the office area.
Sandlin presented and briefed the Board on the proposal wording from the Cullman Electric Cooperative. Proposal was Board approved.
Sandlin reported that the Cullman County Commission and the Cullman County Revenue Commissions have signed the agreement to partner in a flyover starting in 2021. Board approved the agreement.
Sandlin presented a copy of the contract with Pictometry regarding the flyover. Board approved the contract.
Sandlin reported that the installation of a fourth answering position at the City of Cullman Communication Centering is in the planning stages.
AT&T is working with Indigital to configure the VIPERS to receive SIP calls. The equipment has been received at the business office and an installation date has not been determined. A project manager has been assigned.
Sandlin informed the Board of a license that is required by AT&T to record SIP calls in IP format. After Board discussion, Board approved to purchase the license.
Sandlin reported that the grant for possible interface/connectivity from the Viper to the PSAP CAD’s for data dump was sent to the agencies and they are working with their vendors on the details.
The grant proposal to assist the PSAP’s in purchasing consoles capable of toning agencies regarding 911 information was released to the agencies. Agencies are securing equipment applicable to the grant.
Sandlin reported that the agreement for the upgrade on the recorders has been signed and sent to QRS. Installation date is forthcoming.
Traditionally, the Board has a Dutch treat luncheon catered at the December meeting. Stonebridge has agreed to prepare individual plates.
Road Sign Allocation letters have been sent and no responses have been received.
Attorney Jackson reported that there are no additional legal issues that will affect the E9-1-1- Board of Commissioners.
Sandlin researched potential institutions on CD rates for government monies that also participate in the SAFE Program and presented a list for Board consideration. Board approved to discuss at the next meeting and possibly consider two additional institutions.
Review of the September 2020 financial reports and the October 2020 PSAP report
The meeting adjourned at 3:09 p.m.