November 2021

November 23, 2021
Call to Order and Welcome: Chairman Dewayne Goodwin called the meeting to order at 2:07 p.m.
via Zoom/in-person meeting at the Cullman County E911 Administration Building located at 604 Seventh Avenue, SW, Cullman, Alabama.
Public Comments from Citizens: None at this time.
Call of Roll to Establish a Quorum: Members present were Dewayne Goodwin, Dana W. Phillips, Samuel Tucker, Barry Slatton, Keith Creel, Kenneth Nail, and Terry Bentley. Also present were Gordon L. Sandlin, Administrative Director; Roger C. Humphrey, Administrative Advisor; Jackie Burnham, Administrative Assistant; and Kayla Smith, GIS Technician. Chairman Dewayne Goodwin introduced new Board Member Terry Bentley and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Review and Approval of the Minutes and Expenses: Creel made motion to approve the October 19, 2021, minutes as printed. Nail seconded; motion passed unanimously. Sandlin reported that there were no unbudgeted expenses since the last meeting. Johnny C. Fricke Jr., CPA, Fricke, Sweatmon & Co., P. C., presented the Board with a letter of engagement, discussing the firm’s responsibilities in the Board’s upcoming audit of FY2021. Fricke thanked the Board for the opportunity to serve.
Public Petitions:
There were none to report since the last meeting. •
Legislative Review:
• Sandlin reported that the second AAND Legislative Committee Meeting was cancelled. Sandlin is following the issues that will affect the Board.
• Humphrey briefed the Board on recent activity in the Alabama State 911 Board Meeting on November 18, 2021.
Sandlin reported that he will be attendance at the ACCA Legislative Conference scheduled •
December 8-9, 2021, in Birmingham, Alabama.
• Sandlin reported that Jackie has submitted the Annual Examiners of Public Accounts Report required for the Alabama ECD’s for the FY2021.
Wireless Update: 97% of all 9-1-1 calls made in Cullman County in September 2021 were made using a cellular telephone.
PSAP Information: Sandlin distributed a summary of PSAP equipment problems reported since last Board meeting.
Executive Director Report:
• Sandlin reported that The Retirement Systems of Alabama has increased the limit on the salary for a retiree beginning calendar year 2022 to $34,000.00 from the current $32,000.00.
Sandlin request Board approval to increase Humphrey’s salary to match the limit. Slatton made motion to increase Humphrey’s salary to $34,000.00 beginning calendar year 2022. Tucker seconded; motion passed unanimously.

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