October 19, 2021
Call to Order and Welcome: Chairman Dewayne Goodwin called the meeting to order at 2:04 p.m.
via Zoom/in-person meeting at the Cullman County E911 Administration Building located at 604 Seventh Avenue, SW, Cullman, Alabama.
Public Comments from Citizens: None at this time.
Call of Roll to Establish a Quorum: Members present were Dewayne Goodwin, Dana W. Phillips, Samuel Tucker, Barry Slatton, Keith Creel, and Kenneth Nail. Also present were Gordon L. Sandlin, Administrative Director; Roger C. Humphrey, Administrative Advisor; Jackie Burnham,
Administrative Assistant; Kayla Smith, GIS Technician; Amber Smith, CCSO; and Roy W.
Williams, Jr., Board Attorney. Chairman Dewayne Goodwin welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Review and Approval of the Minutes and Expenses: Tucker made motion to approve the September 21, 2021, minutes as printed. Creel seconded; motion passed unanimously.
Public Petitions:
- Sandlin reported a subpoena received from the Circuit Court of Cullman County in the case of Joyce Hickley versus Braden Patrick Foy for copy of all 911 calls received reporting any and all motor vehicle accidents that occurred on July 20, 2019. Copy of the call was made and sent to Board Attorney Williams for distribution.
- Sandlin reported that a request and affidavit from Margorzata Miasek was received for a copy of a call she made 01/14/2020. After discussion with Board Attorney Williams, a copy of the call was made and forwarded to Williams for distribution.
- Sandlin reported receiving a court order from the Circuit Court of Cullman County in the case of Preston Moctezuma versus Li Nai for copy of 911 calls made on June 1, 2017. Copy of the call was made and forwarded to Board Attorney Williams for distribution.
Legislative Review: - Sandlin reported that he plans to attend the second AAND Legislative Committee Meeting is scheduled for November 2, 2021.
- Humphrey briefed the Board on recent activity in Washington and at the federal level.
Wireless Update: 97% of all 9-1-1 calls made in Cullman County in September 2021 were made using a cellular telephone.
PSAP Information: Sandlin distributed a summary of PSAP equipment problems reported since last Board meeting.
Executive Director Report: - Sandlin presented a copy of an email from FavGeek, LLC. requesting an increase in their monthly fees. Slatton made motion to approve the increase effective at the first of next month. Nail seconded; motion passed unanimously.
- Sandlin reported that the Pictometry/Eagleview Flyover/Imagery is 100% complete, has been delivered. A copy was made and sent to GeoConex to be integrated into our map. Office staff is currently working with the State on mapping software interaction.
- Sandlin reported that all PSAP’s have installed the consoles capable of toning departments and all have been reimbursed and received the grant money appropriated.
- Sandlin presented a copy of a letter form the Local Government Insurance Board notifying our office of an increase in premiums of 5.9% beginning January 2, 2022. Phillips made motion for the Board to absorb the cost to the employees for their part of family coverage. Nail seconded; motion passed unanimously.
- Sandlin reported that the Board approved to send out bids for a new 911 vehicle at the September meeting. Sandlin presented the results and requested that the Board reject all bids and approve a rebid due to specifications not being met. After Board discussion, Creel made motion to reject all bids and send out a rebid with a slight change in the specifications. Tucker abstained. Slatton seconded; motion passed unanimously.
- Sandlin presented, per Board request, a copy of a resolution for the Cullman County 911 Board to recognize Public Safety Telecommunicators as First Responders. Tucker made motion to approve the resolution as written. Creel seconded; motion passed unanimously.
- Sandlin reported that the GIS of Alabama (GISA) Conference is scheduled for November 15-17, 2021, at the Lodge at the Gulf State Park in Gulf Shores, Alabama. If you have any change in plans, please notify Jackie.
- Sandlin reported that the GISA Conference will conflict with the November regular board meeting. Sandlin recommends moving the meeting. After Board discussion, Creel made motion to move the November regular meeting to November 23, 2021. Nail seconded; motion passed unanimously.
Board Attorney Report:
- Board Attorney Williams reported that there were no additional legal issues that will affect the E9-1-1 Board of Commissioners.
August 2021 financial reports were reviewed.
September 2021 PSAP reports were reviewed.
Adjourn: made motion to adjourn. seconded; motion passed unanimously. Chairman Goodwin adjourned the meeting at 2:41p.m.