March 15, 2022
Call to Order and Welcome: Chairman Dewayne Goodwin called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom/in-person meeting at the Cullman County E911 Administration Building located at 604 Seventh Avenue, SW, Cullman, Alabama.
Public Comments from Citizens: None at this time.
Call of Roll to Establish a Quorum: Members present were Dewayne Goodwin, Barry Slatton, Keith Creel, Kenneth Nail, Dana W. Phillips, Samuel Tucker, and Terry Bentley. Also present were Gordon L. Sandlin, Administrative Director; Roger C. Humphrey, Administrative Advisor; Jackie Burnham, Administrative Assistant; Kayla Smith, GIS Technician; and Steve Gunn, Hanceville Police Department. Chairman Dewayne Goodwin welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Review and Approval of the Minutes and Expenses: Tucker made motion to approve the February 15, 2022, minutes. Nail seconded; motion passed unanimously. There were no unbudgeted expenses since the last meeting. Sandlin informed the Board that a Board vehicle had to have repair work.
Public Petitions:
• Sandlin reported a subpoena and court order from the Circuit Court of Blount County, in the case of Sonia Torres versus Yessica Hernanadez, for 911 calls on October 18, 2017. Copy of the subpoena and court order was forwarded to Board Attorney Williams for further action.
Legislative Review:
• Humphrey briefed the Board on the latest State Board meeting held March 9, 2022.
• Sandlin briefed the Board on the recent 911 activities, including HB414 and SB240.
Wireless Update: 96% of all 9-1-1 calls made in Cullman County in February 2022 were made using a cellular telephone.
PSAP Information: Sandlin distributed a summary of PSAP equipment problems reported since last Board meeting.
Executive Director Report:
• Sandlin has asked AT&T for pricing to change T-1 lines to fiber optic for better connectivity from the Vipers to the PSAP’s.
• Sandlin reported that the letters were sent to each agency authorizing road sign allocations. The cut-off date for invoicing the Cullman County E911 Board is March 31, 2022. As of this writing, the following have been received and paid:
Town of Holly Pond $ 193.00
• Sandlin reported that a quote was received from Quality Recording Solutions regarding a
service agreement for the Board recorders and is ready for review and action. Tucker made motion to approve the service agreement for payment. Creel seconded; motion passed unanimously.
• Sandlin reported that the NENA National Conference and Expo is scheduled for June 11-16, 2022, at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, Kentucky. All that plan to attend, please contact Jackie so travel arrangements can be made. Sandlin recommended
the Board discuss valet parking. Slatton made motion to approve valet parking for the NENA National Conference and Expo. Nail seconded; motion passed unanimously.
Board Attorney Report:
• There was no additional report on legal issues currently.
January 2022 financial reports were reviewed. February 2022 PSAP reports were reviewed.
Adjourn: Tucker made motion to adjourn. Bentley seconded; motion passed unanimously. Chairman Goodwin adjourned the meeting at 3:04 p.m.